My First dbt-core Contribution!

I recently made my first dbt-core open-source contribution! This contribution adds unmodified and old state selection methods to the dbt CLI. The main motivation is to make it easy to exclude late-binding views from our dbt job’s DAG, reducing the runtime overhead. You can see some details that precipitated this contribution here.

You can watch a short demo on the contribution below:

To take it for a spin yourself, you might run a command that excludes the intersection of views and unchanged models from the DAG:

dbt run -s config.materialized:view,state:unmodified --state ./path/to/artifats

If you end up using this feature extension, I’d love to hear from you! When I worked on this, I did it entirely inspired by the late-binding view use-case, but I’d be curious to hear how you put it to use in your dbt jobs. As always, reach out to me via tyler [at] or comment below!